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学术探索计划: Go All In to Discover Your Calling

不确定你想主修什么? 美高梅mgm平台的 学术探索计划 will help you discover your unique vocation. 尝试各种课程, 与职业专家和关怀教师聊天, 掌控你的未来. With our tailored educational pathways, you'll have the tools to make a real impact.


准备好迈出下一步了? 报名参加参观! 请致电585-594-7612或在线预约.




在罗伯茨, we are committed to giving you a head start in earning income and achieving your personal goals by helping you graduate in four years. 事实上,美高梅mgm平台保证.



Caring faculty and staff will guide you to discover who you’ll become





“嗨,我是泰. 我不确定我在高中想做什么. So, after I picked Roberts, I joined the 学术探索计划. I met other students who also didn’t know what they wanted to do. 知道我并不孤单,我感到很欣慰!

美高梅mgm平台有一位学生导师和一位顾问教授. These people helped us navigate some self-discovery projects. It helped us realize what we’re good at, what works, and what we don’t want to do.

就我个人而言,我发现我根本不是一个搞科学的人. I got to shadow some Business and Communication courses – and boom, Business was the major for me. Now, after graduating, I work as the director of operations for a local company, and I love it.”


At 美高梅mgm平台, we've crafted an educational journey that's all about you.

You’ll discover your calling through these helpful activities:
  • 一个独特的探索性第一年研讨会
  • 引导自我评估
  • 参观教室
  • 会见不同的教授
  • 就业及实习展


This program at 美高梅mgm平台 will help you discover the major that’s right for you. We’ll build your confidence and mentor you in discovering God’s calling for your life.

We believe it’s okay to not know exactly what you want to do yet – it’s a process. It might seem like all your classmates are set on what to study but, in fact, it’s estimated that up to 50% of students enter college undeclared 或者换专业. 你并不孤单.

在罗伯茨,你会找到你的社区. We work hard to understand your unique goals and create an environment where you can safely take risks.

We’re all in for who you’re becoming and for what you’ll do. 你也准备好全力以赴了吗?


没有唯一的答案. 在罗伯茨, we expect that you won’t have your whole life mapped out already. 这就是美高梅mgm平台创建学术探索项目的原因.

如果你来罗伯茨不确定主修什么, you’ll be supported and given plenty of opportunities to sample a variety of fields.

引导自我评估, 指导, 还有灵活安排课程的机会, you’ll find a major that will help you pursue your one-of-a-kind calling.

美高梅mgm平台是来帮你弄明白的. You tell us about your passions and dreams, and we’ll help you connect to the right major.


One advantage of applying to a major is that it helps you find your community right away. Through the 学术探索计划 you’ll immediately connect with like minded students.

知道, 作为罗伯茨大学的学生, you’ll be set up for long-term career success even if you enter without declaring a major. 在学术探索项目中, 您将体验个性化的建议, 当然campling, 探索课程, and much more to help you find the major that’s the best fit for you.

是的! 如果你来学校找工作 个人访问, you can meet face-to-face with a professor to get an overview of the program and your questions answered. 美高梅mgm平台的 探索日活动 通常包括一个学院 & Services Expo, where you can meet your future professors.

是的, we are committed to helping students meet the financial obligation to earn a degree and advance a career.  The Office of Student Financial Services works to assist all students in  financial aid.  In 2022-23, Roberts awarded financial assistance to 100% of our full-time undergraduate students.


会计 -学习更多有关会计的知识 & 信息rmation Management program at Roberts: build core business knowledge, 完成一次实习, 成为一名CMA.
生物学 -在美高梅mgm平台, students can choose from two options for their 生物学 Degree: Bachelor of Science in 生物学 or Bachelor of Arts in 生物学.
工商管理 - Learn more about the 工商管理 program at Roberts: pursue your interests, 完成一次实习, & 体验更强的就业能力.
化学 -在美高梅mgm平台, students can choose from two options for their 化学 Degree; Bachelor of Science in 化学 or Bachelor of Arts in 化学.
交叉学科的 ——美高梅mgm平台的B.S. in 交叉学科的 Studies provides valuable alternatives to traditional majors by focusing on the breadth of knowledge acquired through the study of multiple disciplines.
跨学科研究学士/学士 ——美高梅mgm平台的B.S. in 交叉学科的 Studies provides valuable alternatives to traditional majors by focusing on the breadth of knowledge acquired through the study of multiple disciplines.
卫生行政 - Discover the 卫生行政 program at 美高梅mgm平台, designed to sharpen your healthcare skills and equip you with the expertise to improve patient care environments and advance healthcare re搜索. Explore our curriculum, faculty, and hands-on learning opportunities.
市场营销 - Check out the 市场营销 program at 美高梅mgm平台: sharpen your communication skills, 集中你的创造力 & study core business concepts!
护理 -作为护理专业的学生, you will have the opportunity to become a nurse and touch the lives of individuals blending caring, science and technology to holistically address health needs; mind, 身体和精神.
物理 - 美高梅mgm平台的 物理 Degree program provides those who major in 物理 with an opportunity to probe and describe some of the most fundamental laws and phenomena in God’s creation.
社会工作 -想知道如何成为一名社会工作者? The 社会工作 major at 美高梅mgm平台 helps students gain valuable interviewing skills, 还有现场经验, 在攻读社会工作学位的路上.
体育管理与市场营销 - Interested in a Sports Management Degree or Sports 市场营销 Degree? Roberts Wesleyan's 体育管理与市场营销 program has you covered!
美高梅mgm平台- 585.594.6786 - moorem@罗伯茨.edu